SJSA Service At Road Safety
Sri Jagannath Safety Agency (SJSA) has introduced an innovative work Road Safety inside the plant for all vehicles (Transport and Non-transport).
In many industries, the number of vehicles on roads has increased, as the number of goods transported by road. It is observed that most of the accidents are occurred due to Road accidents. Road accidents are undesired events that leads to injury or death. Road users pose risks to each other.
Before introducing our activities, it is observed that most of the drivers came into plant premises by drinking alcohol, without driving license, faulty vehicle, inadequate PPE and lack of basic safety rules which causes severe road accidents. It not only affects them but also to those who are closer to them.
To overcome this, Road Safety Activities are introduced by our agency in many industries.
Below are the details of activities carried out by our agency.
- Alcohol Testing
- Surprise Vehicle Inspection
- Counseling to employees, visitors, drivers & contractor employees
- Measuring speed violation
- Surprise Audit
- Checking of relevant documents
- Not wearing of seat belt while driving
- Talking on mobile while driving
- Checking of unsafe road conditions inside plant premises
- Awareness campaign on Road Safety
- Training to drivers on Defensive Driving in periodic basic
- Regular patrolling on assigned roads
Purpose of Road Safety:
The main purpose of Road Safety is to mitigate Road Incidents inside plant premises and save lives.
Advantages of Road Safety:
- Saves a lot of time and company money: – Defensive driving training provides all the information needed to help drivers for safe driving so that company don’t have to spend time and money for that.
- Counseling make all the employees inside plant premises about Road Safety rules.
- Surprise audit alert the employees not to break Road Safety rules otherwise consequence will be applied upon the violators.